英文簡報中的Q&A—Presentation Q&A--商業英語簡報技巧

  I would like to start our Q&A session.

英文簡報中的 Q&A時間,讓你真正的與客戶面對面交流,一個成功的業務簡報或提案,Q&A時間扮演了非比尋常的重要角色,充分熟悉用語,熱情展現你的誠意,一個世紀超級業務,或是成功的商務目的,就在此誕生商業英語簡報技巧英文簡報中的Q&A



 Q&A Opening 開始提問

I would like to start our Q&A session.

I’d be glad to answer any questions.

Does any one have questions?

 Questions Commenting 感謝與會者的提問

Thank you for asking that question.

That’s a good question. Thank your for bringing it up.

That’s an excellent question.

I am happy that you ask that question.

I am sure many people have the same question.

 Question Clarifying 確認問題

I am sorry I don’t quite understand your question.

Could you rephrase your question?

When you say”…….” What do you mean?

Would you ask the question in a different way?

 Comprehension Crossing 確認回答是否被瞭解

Does that answer your question?

Did I answer your question clearly?

Would you like more information?

Is that enough information for your question?


Question Delaying無法立即給答案

Can I check on that and give you the answer later?

Can I check with the company about that question and give you the information later?

I am sorry I don’t have the details now, but I can give them to you later.

引用自: http://blog.sina.com.tw/ladylamb/article.php?entryid=580034

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